4.2.45 Release Notes

Released: 3/23/2016

The 4.2.45 release includes enhancements to existing features and bug fixes.


  1. Added Case Pack Name for PO templates in Product Loop - "case-pack-name"
  2. Added Vendor Part Number to PO Product Loop - "vendor-part-number"
  3. Print Order from More Menu now opens print window to save steps in printing documents
  4. Added ability to import Bin Location through CSV SKU Import
  5. Added ability to import Minimum Stock Warning through CSV SKU Import
  6. Added Vendor Part Number as new column on the PO drill down on the Products section
  7. Added Invoice History Aging section on the Customer drill down to display Invoices for 0-15 days, 15-30 days, 30-60 days, 60-90 days, 90-120 days and 120+ days

Product Maturity

We are constantly trying to make our product the best system available to our users. Here is what we fixed or enhanced this time around.

  1. Fixed - Warehouse drill down SKUs section was displaying all inventory levels, not warehouse specific levels
  2. Fixed - Invoice template was displaying same line item in some instances multiple times
  3. Fixed - Creating Invoices after canceling was sometimes causing window to hang
  4. Fixed - Payment details sometimes missing from Invoice Template
  5. Fixed - Rounding issue found on SKU Info API
  6. Fixed - Cancel PO line item and Cancel PO were not removing Case Pack quantities from On Order
  7. Fixed - International Addresses were being moved to an Inactive status on Configure Shipping Save and Close in some instances

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