4.2.47 Release Notes

Released: 5/28/2016

The 4.2.47 release includes new features, code fixes and other enhancements. Here is a summary of this release:

New Features

  1. Ability to create new Product Type Classes called "Kit"
  2. Inventory tracking for Kit which derives and displays the total number of full Kits "Available"
  3. Visual indicator of a Kit SKU and its corresponding Bill of Materials SKUs on Sales Order line items
  4. Ability to Import and Export Kit and Assembly Products and SKUs using the Import and Export utility in the More Menu
  5. Kit Products can display through the Ecommerce storefront
  6. API enhancements to support the importing and exporting of Kit SKUs data
  7. Added new Cog Wheel icon in the right corner of the back office of Lead Commerce and moved the Settings menu to that icon


  1. Added new icons to sales order Products section.
  2. Ability to launch directly into a SKU from the Products section on a Sales Order
  3. Ability to launch directly into a Customers Addresses on the Shipping section on a Sales Order
  4. Added visual icon to line items throughout the Lead Commerce back office area that indicates the line opens up for editing

Product Maturity

We are constantly trying to make our product the best system available to our users. Here is what we fixed or enhanced this time around.

  1. Fixed colorbox opening when clicking on Drop Ship PO number on the Shipping section on a Sales Order
  2. Calculating discount price on line items did not display discounted price on the Add Invoice window
  3. Allow for files to be downloaded using the Media Library Attribute on Products
  4. Vendor search 500 error displayed zero (0) results
  5. Fixed Returns API error and looping issues

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