4.2.50 Release Notes

Released: 10/28/2016

Release Notes - Lead Commerce - Version 4.2.50

  • [LC-247] - International vendor contacts does not hold State field
  • [LC-350] - Need Rule on BOM Product Add Search
  • [LC-366] - Import is not appending URLs with -1 or -2 or -3 if the name is the same
  • [LC-414] - API Address Validation on v2 orders
  • [LC-417] - Bulk Processing
  • [LC-420] - Issue with Integrity Report
  • [LC-421] - Partially shipped SKUs not showing up in pick and pack on barcode app
  • [LC-426] - Stock History
  • [LC-427] - Canceling Return causes Fulfillments to not be updated
  • [LC-428] - Fix Catalog Reset to remove PID once complete
  • [LC-433] - Calc shipping on kit skus not updating last line item.
  • [LC-438] - Fulfillment should NOT calculate Shipping Rules
  • [LC-441] - CREATE Customer Import does not pass in Customer Ownership ID values
  • [LC-443] - Non Inventory Items
  • [LC-448] - Calculate rates function on fulfillments is not functioning
  • [LC-449] - Update Customers - Customer Type
  • [LC-450] - Pick and Pack reverts Shipped and Returned status to Processing
  • [LC-452] - Placing Order without Provider AND Class
  • [LC-454] - Ships Alone Flag on SKU Dimensions level
  • [LC-455] - Flat Rate Shipping not allowing Stamps.com orders to be fulfilled
  • [LC-457] - Fix RMA validation to check order_return_fulfillment_item table with 'where' filter for specific line item
  • [LC-459] - Placing STOCK PO
  • [LC-461] - Allow passing of shipping_class to live provider product through API
  • [LC-464] - Auto Fulfillment Create Option
  • [LC-466] - Fix payments loop on Invoice template
  • [LC-347] - Drop Ship Vendors without Contacts don't display
  • [LC-405] - Total Order Weight (New Column on Sales Reports)
  • [LC-419] - Barcode Interface needs to pull in LC version - looks to be hardcoded
  • [LC-423] - Remove Drop Ship Warehouse from Criteria Warehouse drop down on Bulk Processing
  • [LC-424] - Adjust Tooltip for Line Item Filtering
  • [LC-425] - verify that override weight column is set to null when saved as zero or empty
  • [LC-439] - Add Customer Owner as column to Sales Report
  • [LC-440] - Mass update fulfillment line item shipping class
  • [LC-447] - API Enhancement - Saver Enhancement
  • [LC-458] - Import of Products/SKUs ( Kits and Assemblies)

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