4.2.52 Release Notes

Released: 11/25/2016

  • [LC-470] - Importing SKU update
  • [LC-473] - Fulfillments Not Allowing for New Fulfillments to have different shipping providers once shipped
  • [LC-474] - Sales tax calculation is calculating incorrectly
  • [LC-475] - Character Limit on Address Name Field Causes Labels to Fail to Generate
  • [LC-477] - Calculate Shipping on Shipping Section will not load with two different providers on Fulfillment
  • [LC-436] - Add All button converts quote into an order
  • [LC-476] - Hide Postage On Stamps.com Labels
  • [LC-479] - Modify inventory update timestamp for kit
  • [LC-480] - Add Net 120 to Vendor Dropdown Menu
  • [LC-481] - Add Provider and Class to Fulfillment table

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