4.2.57 Release Notes

Released: 2/18/2017

Release Notes - Lead Commerce - Version 4.2.57


  • [LC-463] - Product Type on Update
  • [LC-519] - Problems with kit children not receiving shipping class
  • [LC-520] - Do not allow for duplicate tax subregions/zipcodes to be created
  • [LC-522] - Some fulfillments are not saving preferred blocks
  • [LC-529] - Fix case pack PO quantity adjustment
  • [LC-530] - Remove column and fulltext key from attribute table when attribute is archived
  • [LC-531] - Add warning that only 64 attributes per type are allowed to be active at once
  • [LC-533] - Transfers fail to move all inventory
  • [LC-541] - Diagnose multiple "N/A" values interspersed in correct batch IDs on orders report


  • [LC-539] - Update max file size in php.ini to accommodate for exports >80MB
  • [LC-540] - Extend table lock to prevent duplicate order ids


  • [LC-510] - Add Warehouse as a new Column on the Sales History tab of SKU drill down
  • [LC-517] - Improve existing address matching in API
  • [LC-542] - Add alternative ID to Pack List tags
  • [LC-543] - Add Lot 2 and Serial number to Batch record
  • [LC-544] - Add Lot 2 and Serial number and batch notes to order report
  • [LC-545] - Add Lot 2 and Serial number to PO receiving screen
  • [LC-546] - Add Lot, Lot 2, Serial, Batch as Tags on Order Summary, Pick List and Packing Slips
  • [LC-547] - Add ability to see all three values on Fulfillment screen of the Order Drill down

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