4.2.75 Release Notes

Released: 5/12/2018

  • [LC-952] - Added links to orders on sales history, payment history, and quote history.
  • [LC-925] - Transfer Print Option on Initial Save not Loading full print URL
  • [LC-931] - Improved units of precision for assemblies involving fractional inventory
  • [LC-942] - Modified SKU aggregate on table level to function properly when using checkbox attributes
  • [LC-944] - Fixed destination warehouse tag on transfer shipment labels
  • [LC-947] - Added validation to quantity inputs for fractional inventory
  • [LC-917] - Improved Do Not Allow Backorders for B2B Checkout
  • [LC-919] - New Feature: Credit Memos
  • [LC-921] - Update Report: Vendors
  • [LC-927] - Removed Low Inventory Checkbox To select Warehouse drop down on SKU Report
  • [LC-928] - Changed customer company AJAX to a simple dropdown.
  • [LC-929] - Added Table Locking to Fulfillment Processing
  • [LC-933] - Removed Drop Ship Warehouse from Warehouse Drop down on Warehouse report

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