4.2.77 Release Notes

Released: 6/10/2018

New Features

  • [LC-981] - Added template for lots in system emails (available for print on purchase order receivements and lot tab on SKU drilldown)
  • [LC-980] - Added ability to save notes on sales order and purchase order line items
  • [LC-907] - Added work order report


  • [LC-979] - Added location and weight tags to shipping document templates
  • [LC-779] - Added new order table filters
  • [LC-938] - Added new SKU table filters
  • [LC-805] - Added upcharges to purchase order and sales order exports
  • [LC-975] - Added ability to fetch rate estimate for overweight shipments


  • [LC-734] - Added validation for deactivation of bill of materials SKUs
  • [LC-777] - Limited max sales order line items to 75
  • [LC-953] - Limited max stock level to 999,999.9999
  • [LC-976] - Made phone number a required field on warehouses

Bug Fixes

  • [LC-920] - Fixed ability to scan location on purchase order receivements in barcode app

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