4.2.83 Release Notes

Released: 10/9/2018

  • [LC-1132] - Enhanced invoice payment refresh on Stripe Charge failure.
  • [LC-1133] - Dashboard - Changed Last Month text to Last Month (Current Day)
  • [LC-1137] - Enhanced Fulltext Indexes are added to text attributes.
  • [LC-1138] - Improved Stripping of non-UTF8 characters before rendering PDFs
  • [LC-1139] - Optimized Line Item updates on Order line item edit
  • [LC-1140] - Patched Display Lot subcomponent sidebar
  • [LC-1121] - NEW FEATURE: Added Sales Adjustments to Sales Configuration Area
  • [LC-1122] - Allowed Small Text Field Attributes to be included in Order and PO Exports
  • [LC-1123] - Added Upcharges and Discount dropdowns to line item and order-level price adjustments
  • [LC-1124] - Add New MSRP Column on Products section of order drill down
  • [LC-1125] - Allow Order Level Discounts and Upcharges to display in template product loops (new tags required)
  • [LC-1126] - Added MSRP - Item Price discount calculation
  • [LC-1127] - Added New Filter for Sales Orders "Fulfillment Status"
  • [LC-1134] - Changed Fulfillment Warehouse Filter to "Filter by Warehouse" and removed Active Fulfillment requirements
  • [LC-1135] - Fix CSS Overlap Issue on table level pagination when using filters
  • [LC-1136] - New Filter: Product Type on Products Filter
  • [LC-1143] - Added consolidated discount to Order Details and Invoice exports

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