4.2.88 Release Notes

Released: 1/12/2019

  • [LC-1172] - Improved USPS Error Messaging and Handling in Back Office
  • [LC-1173] - Fixed PO API call in v2
  • [LC-1174] - Enhanced Sales/Order Attribute Mapping Logic
  • [LC-1175] - Improved Lot Mapping/Block Handling on Fulfillments
  • [LC-1178] - Isolated and fixed Work Order Column Sorter Issues
  • [LC-1193] - Fixed Invoice Template Mapping on Print and Download Options on Sales Orders
  • [LC-1194] - Fixed PO Receipt export timestamp issue
  • [LC-1181] - Added New Inventory Adjustment Report
  • [LC-1182] - Added New Credit Terms section on Company drill down
  • [LC-1184] - Added Order Total Weight Calculation to Shipping Summary Area (grey bar area)
  • [LC-1185] - Enhanced Weight-Total tag on templates for Quotes and Sales Orders
  • [LC-1186] - Added new Credit Terms Rule to Rules section of Roles drilldown
  • [LC-1187] - Added New Company Import / Export
  • [LC-1190] - Added Credit Term logic when placing orders in backend
  • [LC-1179] - Added extra return reason in adjustment area
  • [LC-1180] - Added Custom Lot, Lot Cost and Lot Bin Location to SKU Update
  • [LC-1183] - Improved Negative Adjustment Block Referencing

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