4.3.7 Release Notes

Released: 11/30/2019

New Feature

  • [LC-1478] - Added new Open Invoices View in B2B Portal
  • [LC-1479] - Added ability to make payment on Invoice in B2B Portal
  • [LC-1482] - Added ability to Upload Documents in B2B Portal


  • [LC-1431] - Purchase Order Export - Remove Canceled Items
  • [LC-1469] - Custom Grid for B2B with 2 Variations (Size/Color)
  • [LC-1470] - Added ability to associate image to Product Variation Value
  • [LC-1472] - Product Variation Sorting by Variation Sort Order in Product Search
  • [LC-1475] - Add Customer Owner to Criteria on Sales Report
  • [LC-1476] - Add Customer Owner as Filter on Customers Screen
  • [LC-1483] - Make Workorder Attributes available as Tags for Template

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