4.2.97 Release Notes

Released: 4/19/2019

  • [LC-1283] - Added Archive Ability to Sales Orders and Quotes
  • [LC-1284] - Added New Accounting Dashboard
  • [LC-1293] - Add Internal SKU ID to Purchase Order Template
  • [LC-1294] - Add Internal SKU ID to SKU Detail Page
  • [LC-1295] - Add Internal SKU ID to Inventory Column
  • [LC-1297] - Improve Payment Exports
  • [LC-1298] - Improve Invoice Export
  • [LC-1306] - Adjusted all Warehouse dropdown menus to be Alpha sorted
  • [LC-1307] - Removed SKU section on Vendor drilldown
  • [LC-1310] - Added Accounting Dashboard Tool Tips

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