4.2.98 Release Notes

Released: 5/9/2019

  • [LC-1264] - Vendor Return - Edit Return / No Validation or Saving
  • [LC-1265] - Vendor Return - Typo on Edit Return "Advances"
  • [LC-1266] - Non USA Address Information - State becomes unlinked - Sales Channel & Warehouse
  • [LC-1312] - Sales Order Report - Remove Unmatched SKU
  • [LC-1315] - Sales Order Report - Number of Items = Stuck
  • [LC-1324] - Patch order_invoice calculation for final status
  • [LC-1292] - Invoice Status Filter - Partially Invoiced & Invoiced in Full
  • [LC-1309] - Updated Dashboards to Allow for Role filtering
  • [LC-1311] - Update Accounting Dashboard
  • [LC-1314] - Add Total Weight tag to Invoice
  • [LC-1317] - Updated Licensing to Allow for Dashboards
  • [LC-1319] - Add produce_price_raw to category_grid_order

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