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Customizing Shipping Label CSS

Should you need to customize your Shipping Label output further, you can do so by navigating to Sales>Configuration>Shipping Providers and selecting the Provider who's label you want to edit. You will see these settings on the Label tab.

You have the freedom of using your own CSS here; however, we have provided code below for 2 specific cases:

1. Hide Return Label - For example, you are printing your return label on the packing list, so you don't want it to print with the shipping label.

img.return_label {display:none}

2. Page Break After Label - For example, you are printing labels for multiple fulfillments and want one label per page

div.after-label {page-break-after: always;}

You will simply copy and paste that line of code into the Additional CSS section as shown below. Save Changes once complete.

Note: That this will only apply to labels generated after this change.

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