
Ecommerce Knowledge To Help You To Succeed

Capture Mobile Users, E-Commerce Businesses Creative Approach

What do mobile users see when they visit your business's website?  Forrester Research reports that e-commerce sales will pass the $200 billion mark this year, and market analysts believe that mobile payments will surpass $62 billion by 2016. With more shoppers relying on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, every…

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Mobile Sales Made Up 11 Percent of E-Commerce Sales in 2012

According to recent research published in the trade publication Internet Retailer, mobile commerce is a growing force in the United States economy. Consumers with smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices spent $24.7 billion in 2012, which constitutes 11 percent of the total e-commerce sales over that period. For many businesses,…

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eCommerce Shopping Carts 101

Having an eCommerce website means offering customers the ability to purchase products and services online in a fraction of the time it would take them to do so in-store - and the central feature of any eCommerce software is the virtual "shopping cart" provided for users to find items and…

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