
Ecommerce Knowledge To Help You To Succeed

What's New - October Edition 2014

It's that time again, another edition of What's New in Lead Commerce.  Here we recap all of the cool new features we added to Lead Commerce in the last 4 weeks.  We pride ourselves on being the most actively developed platform in the market today.  We constantly take your feedback…

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Lead Commerce Reporting

We recently released a native version of our reporting capabilities in Lead Commerce.  Reporting is an important aspect for any growing business.  Being able to quickly identify what products are selling the best, what products are low on inventory and who your best customers are, can all be done with…

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What's New - September Edition

It's time for another edition of What's New.  Read below on what we added to Lead Commerce during the month of August. Table Performance Enhancements Lead Commerce now loads almost 2,100% faster than in previous versions of our application.  We load tested our back office table load times using over…

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What's New - August Edition

Hello All, Another month closer to the holiday sales rush.  We hope everyone is gearing up for those holiday sales and preparing for what most feel will be the biggest online holiday sales year in history.  As always, we've been working diligently on adding more features into Lead Commerce and…

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What's New - July Edition

Hello Lead Commerce Customers, Another edition of What's New.  Check out the latest features that we have rolled out during the past 30 days. Enjoy... SMTP Enhancements & Controls We have upgraded our SMTP backbone to Mandrill.  Mandrill allows us to use the same technology and infrastructure as major email marketing…

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