
Ecommerce Knowledge To Help You To Succeed

What's New - June Edition

Hello Lead Commerce Customers, As we always do each month, here is a reminder of all the new features we have added to our award winning order management and ecommerce application during the month of May. Enjoy... Faceted Navigation After many requests and proper planning and design requirements, we are pleased…

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What's New - May Edition

Howdy Folks, We always like to keep everyone informed on new features and other changes in Lead Commerce.  Check out all of the new functionality that we added in the month of April below. Enjoy... Enhanced Website Registration (Checkout) Options Website Registration is a new feature that has been added…

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New Look, More Features & Easier Licensing

Customers, Partners and Friends, We are pleased to announce the launch of the new .  After months of hard work, long days and nights, our team has completed the next version of our corporate website.  The new site combines a new look and feel as well as a rebranding…

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Feature of the Week: SEO Tools in Lead Commerce

We are pleased to start our first official Feature of the Week blog post with SEO and specifically the SEO Settings of Lead Commerce. SEO or Search Engine Optimization if you don't know that already, is the all encompassing techniques, rules and in most cases theory for getting higher search…

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Product Sourcing is King

The rules have changed Changes are happening everyday around the web, as we all know. So much though, that at times, its hard to compile all of this information and make sense of where our industry is headed. In this blog, I will attempt to highlight some ideas and theories…

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