Page Templates

Page Templates allow you to associate a specific .flex file and incorporate custom page Attributes to allow end users to interact with page sections and areas without accidentally removing or deleting HTML code.

Page Templates are useful if the page itself is going to be created over and over again. A good example of the proper use of a Page Template is a blog post. Normally, an end user will create multiple blog posts over time. Each time a blog is created, it uses the same layout. Therefore, you would use a Page Template thereby allowing for the same look and feel of the page each time a new post is created.

Page Templates that are created in Lead Commerce become available in the Page Template drop down menu when creating a new Page.

A Page Template cannot be made with a system file. Also, any FLEX file that has been mapped to a template, is known as a locked file. A locked file cannot be deleted unless all mappings have been removed.

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