FLEX Settings

There are a handful of FLEX Settings that let you control the behavior of Lead Commerce. The FLEX Settings can be found by logging into the Lead Commerce back office and navigating to:

Content > Configuration > FLEX Settings

FLEX Settings allows you to do the following:

  • FLEX Theme Setting
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Editor Theme
  • Editor Word Wrap

Maintenance Mode

From time to time, you might want to take your website offline to perform changes to the website, stop transactions from coming in and more. Using the Maintenance Mode allows you to lock your website and not allow visitors to interact in any capacity. Turning this mode on will not allow visitors to see your website or hit any external pages. However, any users that are currently logged into the back office of Lead Commerce will continue to see the active website. This allows you to test out new pages, forms, checkout workflow and more, while keeping real visitors from interacting with your website.

Editor Theme

The Editor Theme option allows you to control whether or not the Theme Editor has a white or black background.

Word Wrap

Word Wrap option will control whether or not the Theme Editor wraps text within the Editor window.

Auto Redirect On Cart Update

This will redirect the customer when clicking on the Add to Cart button to the view cart page instead of leaving them on the product page.

Website Registration

This will determine how the website will let customers interact with the website or checkout. To learn more, click here.

FLEX Notification

This is additional data that will be sent with any FN Post. To learn more, click here.

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