Sales Reports

Sales Reports of Lead Commerce allow you to run the following Report Types:

- Orders

Each one of the Report Types above can be specified when creating a Sales Report. For example, you might want to run a report that tells you how much revenue you generated over the last 30 days. In this case, you would select the Report Type, Orders in order to do so. Report Types are a way of centralizing the area you are most interested in learning about or needing to report on.

Sales Reports have the following Sections:

Details Section

Name This is the name you want to call your report. It should be something that you can easily remember and provide some description of the report itself (i.e. Monthly Orders).
Status This is the Status of the Report. You can have Reports that are Active, Inactive or Archived.
Report Type This is the type of report you want to run. The Report Type is important as it controls what Custom Attributes will be pulled into the Criteria Section. You can change the Report Type selection after you have saved the report for the first time. Report Type is required.

Criteria Section

The Criteria Section will change dynamically based on the Report Type selected in the Details section. We have indicated which filters you will see based on your Report Type selection.

Customer Type Provides the ability to filter your result set by the Customer Type that the order was sold to.
Sales Channel Ability to filter down the result set to a specific sales channel.
Order Minimum The minimum amount an order can be equal to or greater than in the result set.
Order Maximum The maximum amount an order can be equal to or less than in the result set.
SKU ID Orders that contain a particular SKU ID.
Product ID Orders that contain a particular product.
Payment Status The status of an order based on Balance Due, Paid in Full or Credit Due.
Number of Items This filter allows you to create a result set that contains single or multiple line item orders.
Warehouse Orders that are associated to a particular warehouse.
Order Status The current Order Status which can be set to Quote, Pending, Processing, Backordered, Partially Backordered, Shipped, Partially Shipped, Canceled, Returned and Pending Return.
Shipping Provider Allows you to filter the result set to a particular shipping provider.
Shipping Provider Class Is dynamic based on the Shipping Provider you select.  Will allow you to filter the result set to a particular Provider and Class.

Columns Section

The Columns section of the Sales Report drill down contains specific data based on the Report Type selection. We have indicated within parenthesis, which columns are available based on the type of report you create.

Company (Orders) The Company associated to the Customer.
Customer (Orders) The Customers first and last name.
Customer Email (Orders) The customers email address on file.
Customer Phone (Orders) The customers phone number.
Customer Type (Orders) The Customer Type the Customer is associated to.
Discount Total (Orders) The Discount (if any) on a particular order.
Number of Order Returns (Orders) The total number of returns that an order has.
Order COGS The Cost of Good Sold for the entire order.
Order ID The unique ID number of the order.
Order Placed Date The date when the Order was placed.
Order Status The current status of the Order.  For more information on Order Status', see the Orders documentation.
Order Total The total amount of the order which includes the products, upcharges, shipping costs, sales tax and discounts.
Paid Total The amount the customer has paid on the order.  Lead Commerce allows for partial payments, split payments.  The status' can be Paid in Full, Balance Due or Credit Due.
Sales Channel The Sales Channel this order was booked under.
Shipping Cost The total cost of shipping that the customer paid.
Shipping Margin The Shipping Margin is calculated by taking the Shipping Cost and dividing it by the Shipping Total.  The Shipping Cost can be found in the Fulfillments section of the Order drill down area in the top right hand corner of the Section head.
Shipping Provider This is the Shipping Provider that is associated to the Order.
Shipping Total The Shipping Total is the amount that the customer was charged for shipping their order.  This is not to be confused with the Shipping Cost, which is the true cost that the merchant incurred for shipping the order.
Tax Total The total tax
Total Line Items The number of Line Items on an Order.  This is not the same as Total Quantity which is the total number of units.
Total Quantity The total number of units on a particular Order.
Upcharge Total The aggregate amount of any upcharge(s) on a particular Order.

Process Section

The Process Section of the Sales Report drill down allows you to specify the time period you would like to run your report against. You can choose a start date and end date, in which case, your result set will only include those records that fit that dimension of time.

Run Report (Button) This is the button you select to kick off your report each time you want it to run. This will open up a dialogue box with the following options below.
Range Start On (Date Picker) This is the start date of your report.
Range End On (Date Picker) This is the end date of your report.
Do Not Include Column Headings (Checkbox) This option will not include the column headings in the CSV file.
Do Not Include Column Sums (Checkbox) This option will not include the summation of the columns in the CSV file output.

File Upload Section:

File Upload This section displays all files that have been associated to this SKU.
Upload Files Button This button is used to upload one or multiple files to the SKU from your computer.
Row level Colorbox If you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name.
File Name The name of the file
File URL The full path URL of the file.

History Section:

User This column indicates which user made the change to this SKU.
Action This column indicates what was done.
Modified On This column indicates when the change occurred.

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