Connect Lead Commerce Everywhere you Sell

Track and manage your inventory and orders from one single interface.

Supported Channels

Lead Commerce has pre-built connections for some of the most popular marketplaces and ecommerce platforms.

Our current version supports: Amazon, eBay, Big Commerce, Shopify, Magento, Square and more.

This keeps your inventory in synch with your other lines of business, so you don't oversell items or miss an order.

Capture Order Data Easily

Lead Commerce is also built to handle any special data requirements required by sites that you sell on.

Using Order Attributes, you can create any additional data fields you might need and track or send those to any 3rd party site.

This functionality combined with Sales Channels gives you complete channel and order synchronization for superior scalability and growth.

Keep Inventory & Orders Synchronized

Our bi-directional Application Programmers Interface (API) keeps your orders from 3rd party sites up-to-date.

Using our API technology, you can pull for inventory levels, push in orders, send out order confirmations and more.

This powerful integration allows Lead Commerce to work with literally any 3rd party application or web service.

Push Order & Customer Data Quickly

Lead Commerce also offers our FLEX Notification (FN) which can be used to quickly push customers, leads and order data to third party sites for additional processing.

This is an extremely powerful tool to use when working with products like Google Analytics, reporting platforms and more.

Start your free, no-risk trial today.