Native Built-in Reporting

Report on your orders, customers and inventory with just a few clicks of the mouse

Point & Click Report Building

Create custom reports and save them off as reusable templates.

Use attributes as part of your custom reports and build pre-filtered data sets.

Run reports across any dimension of time from a single day to a week to a month to a year at a time.

Any dimension of time allowed

Run reports by day, week, month, financial quarter or across single or multiple years.

Build report templates around the dimension of time and name them off correspondingly.

Custom date range reports are then sent to you via email as a CSV to be imported into tools like excel, Google spreadsheets and more.

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Filter Report Data Easily

Custom reports can be created with your own attributes as filters or built-in filters based on different report types.

Report Types include SKU reports, order reports, customers reports so you can gain insight into your entire business.

Use your own custom attributes as filters as well to get the exact report you need; no programming required.

Try Lead Commerce For Free

Reports Delivered to your Inbox

Your reports are delivered to your inbox to allow you to import them into other 3rd party programs, dashboards or Excel.

Setup report distribution lists to have your entire team notified when you run a report from Lead Commerce.

Start your free, no-risk trial today.