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Supported Mobile Devices and Browsers

Below you will find a list of tested and support hardware devices that works with our barcode scanning feature of Lead Commerce.

Below we have created a list of common questions regarding getting the barcode scanner to work on mobile devices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do I need to download or install?
The Lead Commerce barcode scanner is a web-based application that you can access from a mobile device. Therefore you do not need to download anything on your phone like you would with other apps perhaps. All you need is the Google Chrome browser installed on the mobile device.

Since this is a web-based feature, how do I access it from a mobile device?
You would open up the Google Chrome browser on your mobile device and then navigate to your Lead Commerce deployment. Log into your Lead Commerce deployment and then click on the Barcode icon in the top right hand corner.

What OS do you recommend for the mobile devices?
We recommend that you use an Android-based mobile device as this is the operating system that we have tested the most using a bluetooth connected barcode scanner.

How does the scanner "talk" to the barcode scanner on a mobile device like a phone or tablet?
It uses Bluetooth to communicate to the web browser which then translates the barcode scan into your SKU ID or Purchase Order ID or other values.

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