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Training & Setup Packages

Below you can find a basic breakdown of the differences between the Basic and Rapid Deployment packages.

Activity/TaskBasic DeploymentRapid Deployment
Price$2,500.00 (USD)$10,000.00 (USD) *
DescriptionThe basic package is geared for individuals or businesses who have the internal staff to accomplish a majority of the software setup tasks and deliverables. This is a more economical way of on-boarding the Lead Commerce solution and also allows for a more flexible timeline.The Rapid Deployment service was developed specifically for businesses that have a short timeline to go live and need expertise on the ground getting their organization into the software in the most efficient way possible. The Rapid Deployment offering consists of up to two Lead Commerce experts on the ground for three (3) days of implementation and training.
Software InstallIncludedIncluded
System User SetupN/AIncluded
Onsite ConsultantsN/AUp to two (2) Lead Commerce experts onsite for 3 days.
Product File TrainingIncludedIncluded
Import ProductsN/AIncluded
Customer File TrainingIncludedIncluded
Import CustomersN/AIncluded
Template Changes$$Included
Purchasing TrainingIncludedIncluded
Fulfillment TrainingIncludedIncluded
Sales TrainingIncludedIncluded
App Setup$$Included (up to 2 Apps. Additional apps may be setup at $995.00/app.)

* Does not include travel and accommodation expenses.
$$ Indicates billed hourly required.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When are the fees due?
Since this is time and material work, we require the fees to be paid upfront prior to any work being done or training being provided.

How do I pay for these services?
You can pay for the packages above by check or wire transfer. Let one of our support specialists know how you would like to pay at time of signup.

How soon can I have these services begin?
Both Basic and Rapid deployments are based on availability and scheduling situations. However, you can expect these services to being within no more than a week from us receiving payment.

Can I delay having to pay my monthly subscription fees while we are in the Basic or Rapid deployment phases?
Unfortunately we cannot. As part of the setup process, we require the software to be up and running which requires it to be hosted on our servers. Additionally, the setup process will require the use of the software itself such as importing and exporting jobs, setting up users, configuring website templates and document templates to name a few common activities of the on-boarding process. All of this requires our software to be up and running and available. For these reasons, we cannot postpone the monthly subscription fees.

Why is there such a big cost difference between the two options?
The Basic and Rapid were developed based on our experiences helping customers onboard the Lead Commerce solution. In some cases, we found that customers simply don't have enough time to get the required information (such as product import files, customer import files, template changes) completed, causing their launch dates to be delayed. With our Rapid Deployment service, you get up to two (2) qualified Lead Commerce specialists who can understand your business goals and implement the solution in a matter of weeks in some cases.

If we would like the Lead Commerce experts to be on site for more than three (3) days, is this an option?
Yes. Please work with one of our Customer Success Specialists to add more days if you need them.


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