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Using a Custom Domain Name

When your deployment of Lead Commerce is created, it will be installed on one of our internal domains
(for example: yourcompany.leadcommercecloud.com).

If you would like to have it running on your own custom domain (such as: yourcompany.com or orders.yourcompany.com), you will need to take the following steps to do so:

1) You will want to start here: Creating a CloudFlare Account for SSL

2) Once you get to the step asking for an IP Address, email [email protected] with your domain name and deployment url. You will then be provided a IP Address to continue the process.

3) Once you have the IP address from Support, you will then enter the IP address per the instructions on Managing DNS and SSL with CloudFlare.

NOTE: You will need to leave the Proxy Status off during this step of the process.

4) You will then reach back out to support once you see your domain name showing a "You're Almost Done!" message.

NOTE:This could take 24-48 hours from the point you update the A Record.

5) Support will guide you through the final steps of setting up your custom domain. Which includes: verifying the custom domain is loading your site, finishing up the DNS/SSL settings on cloudflare and informing your users and clients of your new domain address.

NOTE: Is important that if you have made customization to your B2B Portal or Templates that all references are dynamic and no links are static urls that contain your .leadcommercloud URL. If you have any questions on this you can reach out to [email protected]

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