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Why an Upcharge/Discount Doesn't Show Up As a Line Item On Invoice

This support article will discuss the issue of discounts and upcharges and why they do not appear on order summaries and invoices.

Lead Commerce allows for flexibility in terms of how customers and orders can be fulfilled and invoiced. Invoices and fulfillments can be done in full all at once or in multiple parts, as needed and as appropriate for various sales and situations.

In addition to being able to fulfill and invoice in multiple parts, Lead Commerce also allows for various upcharges and discounts to be added to the products tab on an order as either a dollar amount or a percentage, then calculates those values across the entire order for you. This makes applying something like a credit, expedite upcharge or a special offer simple from the back-office.

Once you have applied your discount or upcharge:

Step One:

Drill down in to the specific order, navigate to the Products tab to view the discount/upcharge details

Step Two:

Once you have applied your discount/upcharge, you will have to generate a new invoice to reflect the changed amount. Lead Commerce calculates this for you across the order.

LC also allows you to invoice for each line item within an order, allowing you customization and flexibility (see below).

In this example, after applying an overall discount and then choosing to invoice for items separately, it would be impossible for the system to choose which specific invoice to include the discount on if it were listed as a line item. If it were included on all separate invoices, this would cause confusion. To avoid this situation, LC calculates the discount across the entire order and reflects it in the calculation of the invoice, however it does not appear as a line item (like it appears in the products tab (depicted earlier). to

Select Save and Close to generate a new invoice reflecting your discount/upcharge. You can then download the invoice to view.

You can see that even though you have invoiced for only one line item on the order, LC calculates and applies the discount for you.

Step Three:

Navigate to the Summary tab to see the Sales Order Summary

It is also reflected here.

If you need to indicate that a discount or upcharge was included on an order for clarification for your team or clients, you can indicate what was applied and why in the notes section as an easy work-around.

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