Posted: 6/30/2014

What's New - July Edition

Hello Lead Commerce Customers,

Another edition of What's New.  Check out the latest features that we have rolled out during the past 30 days.


SMTP Enhancements & Controls
We have upgraded our SMTP backbone to Mandrill.  Mandrill allows us to use the same technology and infrastructure as major email marketing providers such as Mail Chimp and more to ensure reliable delivery of all system messages from the Lead Commerce platform.  All emails sent by Lead Commerce such as order confirmations, tracking numbers, customer signup emails and more are now using this powerful SMTP backbone.  This will hopefully eliminate any spam issues and better guard against your customers not receiving important information about their orders, accounts and more.  Additionally, we have also updated our SMTP controls to allow customers to implement their own custom SMTP servers for all communications that come from the Lead Commerce platform.  For more information please review our online documentation.

Leads Import
We had numerous customers asking us to enhance the Leads subcomponent of Lead Commerce to allow for both Exporting and Importing of leads which may be created or exported from other external systems and 3rd party products.  You can now using the More Menu of the Leads subcomponent import large sets of contact information to assist in your prospecting and lead nurturing process.

SSL Integration & Management
Customers can now manage, deploy and update their SSL settings directly from the back office of Lead Commerce.  All SSL controls have been implemented in the Licensing component within the Domains subcomponent.  Customers can now purchase an SSL certificate, verify their information and once verified your SSL will be automatically installed.

SKU Cost History Update
The Cost History section on the SKU drill down page has been updated.  You can now view more information about pending purchase orders as well as when those POs are tentatively scheduled to come in.  This helps you properly set expectations for your customers who might have pre-ordered products from you or who's orders are currently backordered.

Enhanced SKU Batch Controls
A number of customers have asked for us to allow them to make Inventory Adjustments and associate those adjustments to specific pre-existing Batches OR to create new Batches from an Inventory Adjustment.  Lead Commerce now offers the ability to perform both operations with an upgrade to our Adjustment feature.

SKU Batch Notes
TThe Lead Commerce order management solution has been updated to allow for customers to enter in any internal notes on a particular Batch within the SKU drilldown area.  This feature also enhances the workflow from the notes that mayb be entered on a purchase order when receiving SKUs.  Any notes that are entered at the time of receiving will be copied over to the batch that gets created.

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