Posted: 5/30/2014

What's New - June Edition

Hello Lead Commerce Customers,

As we always do each month, here is a reminder of all the new features we have added to our award winning order management and ecommerce application during the month of May.


Faceted Navigation
After many requests and proper planning and design requirements, we are pleased to announce the release of our Faceted Navigation capability for Lead Commerce.  You can now use custom attributes to control the advanced filtering on Category pages and Subcategory pages of your storefront.  Best of all you can pick and choose which Custom Attributes are used per Category.  This is a very powerful feature which helps to drive conversions and revenue for all visitors to your storefront.  If you are interested in learning more about this, please contact our sales team for a personalized demo or email us at [email protected] for more information.  As always, you can check out our online documentation for more info as well.

Bulk Pricing
Our Marketing module has been updated to now include the ability to do Bulk Pricing.  Bulk Pricing allows retailers to provide customers with discounts based on the volume of units being purchased.  To learn more about this powerful feature, please see our online documentation.

Vouchers allow retailers to work directly with affiliates and social shopping sites like Groupon, Living Social, Amazon Daily Deals and more.  With Vouchers, retailers can quickly generate unique alpha numeric codes which can be sold on other 3rd party sites and social shopping destinations and used during the checkout process of your storefront.  Using and leveraging social sites and the traffic that they already have can help you drive more sales and revenue to your bottom line.  Learn more about this feature.

Page Editor
We have enhanced our Page Editor to allow for HTML "div" markup.  Previously our Page Editor would automatically convert all "div" HTML to <p> tags and that has now been enhanced to allow for more advanced HTML programming capabilities of our Page Editor.

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