Posted: 11/17/2010

Top 10 Must Haves of eCommerce Software Solution

Not all eCommerce solutions are created equal - here are ten of the most important features for any piece of eCommerce software.

1) SEO Friendly
In order to get noticed, a site needs search engine optimization (SEO), which allows search engines such as Google to index it easily. Great eCommerce solutions will come with SEO features built-in.

2) Import and Export Capabilities
eCommerce software should allow both the importation of existing product database information into an online store, as well as the export of any detailed product information.

3) Customizable Themes
Many eCommerce providers serve a multitude of businesses, but that doesn't mean all eCommerce sites have to look the same. Customizable themes make a huge difference in personalization.

4) Complete Order Management
A truly turn-key eCommerce solution allows total control over order management, from the moment a product is placed into a cart to the moment it is shipped there should never be a time in which the company is without control.

5) Custom Product Attributes
Not only should an eCommerce product allow for the creation of custom product attributes, but also the ability to easily insert them into a product or category page with minimal effort.

6) Integration with Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools
Having a great-looking site isn't enough companies need to know how well it is performing. By providing integration with Goggle Analytics and other Webmaster tools, eCommerce software lets companies see where their page views are coming from and where visitors are spending their time, which in turn can help refine site design for increased conversions.

7) Intuitive Reports
eCommerce software should also provide sets of intuitive reports to companies, reports that are not only automatically generated but created in such a way that the relevant data they contain is not hard to distinguish.

8) Content management
eCommerce stores are never static and content management must be simple and fluid. In order for any company to run a successful online business, they must be able to create and manage content moment by moment.

9) Marketing Tools
From ad trackers to custom links and autoresponders, the right set of eCommerce marketing tools helps a business not only keep the customers it has but reach out to new ones and these tools should always come bundled with an eCommerce solution.

10) Social Integration Capabilities
The world of online sales is no longer governed entirely by email advertisements or the strength of a company's reputation; instead, social media sites can make or break a campaign within hours. Great eCommcere software solutions will come with built-in social network integrations capabilities so updates can be easily blogged about, posted on Facebook or Tweeted.

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