Posted: 1/2/2015

What's New - January 2015 Edition

Happy New Year!

Here is a quick breakdown of what we have recently added to Lead Commerce as well as our plans to make Lead Commerce even better in 2015.

Address Validation by Smarty Streets
Lead Commerce now verifies and checks that address information is accurate prior to producing the shipping label. This includes auto-correcting common spelling issues, acronyms, and missing address data like Suite, Apartment and other secondary address information. This new feature eliminates shipments being returned from USPS, UPS and FedEx which saves merchants significant time and money. The Smarty Streets feature is included in all subscription levels of Lead Commerce so there is nothing to configure or setup. For more information on how the Smarty Streets functionality works please visit their website here.

New Interface
The Lead Commerce interface has been updated to a more streamlined look taking advantage of more space in the main navigation area. The interface does remain somewhat consistent for navigating to main components and subcomponents within the back office. You'll also find enhancements to our system messaging as well which we believe is more noticeable than before. For more information on our new interface, read this here.

What's Coming in 2015

Square Integration
We will be integrating with Square (the mobile POS provider) which will allow Lead Commerce to track orders and inventory across your Square account. You'll be able to process in-store and remote transactions using mobile phone or tablet devices, and all transactions will be posted automatically to Lead Commerce organized using our Sales Channels functionality. Look for this integration to be launched in early Q1 of 2015.

We will be announcing throughout the year our native integration with popular marketplaces like, eBay, ETSY, and more. Each Marketplace will allow merchants to post their products loaded in Lead Commerce directly to these different sales channels. Look out for announcements as new Marketplaces are added to our order management software application.

Performance Tuning and Enhancements
The development team will also be working throughout the year on fine tuning and making Lead Commerce even faster than it is today. This includes a more light-weight interface, more optimized database calls and interface enhancements. These will be rolled out throughout the year and you can always follow our release RSS feed here.

In closing, we would like to thank each and every one of our customers and partners for your patronage this past year. We hope the new year is off to a great start and we look forward to helping you all grow your business in 2015.

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