Posted: 4/1/2015

What's New - April 2015 Edition

Grid Ordering
Grid Ordering is a new feature added to Lead Commerce which allows you to control the ordering interface on Product pages in the storefront. Grid Ordering allows you to present all combinations of a product that can be ordered and is a superior interface when customers want to order multiple quantities of different variations of your products. Grid Ordering can also be used in conjunction with Customer Types, to only display when certain types of customers are logged into your storefront. Grid Ordering is also able to display multiple pieces of information like SKU, Variation Details, Inventory Levels, Price and of course custom data you have created using our Attributes system. Grid Ordering can also be controlled at the Product Page Template level, so you can have certain Product Types that have the Grid Ordering interface and others that have the more traditional drop down menu interface. Contact a sales person today to learn more about this cool new feature of Lead Commerce.

Product Image Upload (Import CSV)
Lead Commerce recently made changes to the way that the Product Import works. The new change now allows you to reload all images from a 3rd party URL and removes the manual task of deleting older product images. This saves time as current as well as new product images can be reloaded in one single operation with this change.

New Reporting Enhancements
There have been enhancements to the Reporting area of Lead Commerce. Purchase Order Reports were updated with additional new filters like Min/Max, Status, Product/SKU ID, Line Item Count, Vendor and more.

Storefront Search Enhancements
The Storefront search has been updated to allow for Attribute searches. This means that any Attribute that has been created on Products for example, can now be incorporated into the search functionality of the Lead Commerce storefront.

Support Tickets
Lead Commerce has had Support Ticketing as a native feature for quite some time. We have added the ability to create a Support Ticket in a specific order saving time and extra steps. You can now open a support ticket on any Order or Quote in the back office on the Order drilldown area. Once the Support Ticket is created, there are visual indications for any current Support Tickets that are still open on Orders in the system as well.

Flat Rate Shipping Option
Lead Commerce now includes the option to use Flat Rate boxes when shipping with USPS via our integration. This option can be found on the Shipping Provider in the Configuration area of the Sales tab (module).

Autocomplete Company Search
When adding or updating a new Customer in Lead Commerce, the Company field is now a autocomplete field instead of the older drop down menu. You can begin to type the Company name in the field and Lead Commerce will begin to search for that Company name and present options as you type. If no selection is made, Lead Commerce will then create a new Company record. This feature is also available on Leads as well.

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