Posted: 3/2/2015

What's New - March 2015 Edition

In this month's edition of What's New, we highlight the newest features and enhancements to the Lead Commerce order management platform.

FLEX Order Notification (FN)
The FLEX Notification or FN feature allows users of Lead Commerce to post order, product and customer information to any 3rd party URL for any integration needs. Examples of how the FN can be used would be Google Ecommerce Analytics, any sort of dashboarding or reporting software, 3rd party financial systems and more. Using the Order Confirmation Output Tags, data such as order number, customer name, business, line items, order total, shipping information and more can be passed to any application using the FN. For more information on the FLEX Notification (FN) feature of Lead Commerce, please see our online documentation.

Package Weight and Packing Material Weight Settings
Lead Commerce now allows you to set default package weight and packing material weights to your Packages that you have defined in Lead Commerce. These default values then get applied when you use the Pack and Ship option on any active Fulfillment. These weights allow you to calculate the incidental weights that make up the entire shipping weight for a particular Fulfillment (i.e. Shipment). For more information on Package Base Weight and Packaging Materials Weight, please see our online documentation.

Override Shipping Weight
This feature has been highly requested for some time. On the individual Fulfillment, you can now specify an Override Weight for the entire shipment. This value can be entered as whole pounds as well as fractional pound values. This field is located on the Fulfillment record by clicking on the individual Fulfillment and opening the Edit window.

Lot Value
Some of our customers have a need to tie certain Lot Values to the Batch level of our inventory feature. This new option allows you to pass in a Lot Value when receiving on a Purchase Order OR when editing the Batch record in the SKU drill down area. These values can then be reported on as well as viewed on the Order drill down within the Fulfillment records.

Attribute Ordering
This release marks the ability to order your Custom Attributes from left to right on the drill down details of each subcomponent. Users can now specify which Custom Attributes show up from top to bottom by entering in a sequential value like 1, 2, 3, etc. This allows for complete control of the interface and also makes it easier and quicker to find the field when drilling down into a specific record.

ALT Order ID
The Alternative Order ID is now available within the Column Sorter of the Orders Table More menu. This allows you to see the Order ID from other 3rd party systems that are mapped to the unique Lead Commerce Order ID. This value is also searchable, so you can search for an order by either the Lead Commerce ID or the 3rd party systems ID number. This can also be arranged in any order from left to right using the drag and drop functionality of the Column Sorter located in the More Menu (blue button) on the Orders table.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) via Fastly
Lead Commerce now provides all users with a CDN to handle high traffic loads as well as sporadic traffic increases to the storefront. Users using the B2C/B2B Ecommerce option of Lead Commerce now gain from this powerful CDN delivered by Fastly. The Fastly CDN is also providing faster load times for the Back Office area of Lead Commerce as well. This service is provided as part of your monthly subscription of Lead Commerce and there is nothing to configure. For more information on the CDN of Lead Commerce and a technical breakdown, please see our online documentation.

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