Posted: 4/11/2011

10 Questions to Ask eCommerce Web Designers

Reviewing eCommerce software web designers can seem a daunting task to many companies, as there are many facets to great eCommerce websites and for those making their first foray into the online market, knowing exactly what to look for is difficult. Here are ten of the most important things to evaluate when considering any eCommerce web designer.

1) ExperienceJust as with any online service, the more experience a designer has in the business, the more quickly they will be able to get a site up and running.

2) PricePrices should be set up-front and not be subject to any confusion or strange terminology. Great eCommerce software designers won't try to trick a business with excessively wordy contracts or vague promises.

3) eCommerce Software Platform OfferingsA good designer will either have their own brand of eCommerce software or will have access to great options available online - make sure to investigate any eCommerce software packages offered before buying.

4) Client CommunicationWhen the design process begins, a designer should be asking a company what they want their eCommerce site to look like, not telling them. Always ask for what is needed, and if a designer refuses, they are not worth the investment.

5) Simple StructureBuilding off of an eCommerce software platform is only the beginning of what designers should do - once a site is up and running it should be easy to use for both a company and their clients, and provide reports on performance as needed.

6) Talent with ThemesThe number of eCommerce themes now available online is staggering, but that doesn't mean a designer should simply copy and paste. Great eCommerce software web designers can not only work with existing themes but deliver their own innovations to provide a company with what they need.

7) Great Shopping Cart InterfaceAn eCommerce website is of no use if it looks great but won't run. Designers should be able to deliver not just a pretty front page but a shopping cart that is simple, straightforward and secure.

8) Tools and ReportsWhat goes on behind the scenes is just as important as on the main page, and designers need to build in functionality to generate reports, provide analytical data, and encourage search engine optimization (SEO) to help an eCommerce site rank highly.

9) Quick CustomizationGreat designers are able to incorporate the ability to easily change themes as required and show companies how to make the most of their new site.

10) Social MediaWeb designers with experience don't underestimate the value of Facebook and Twitter, and will build-in quick links to Tweet sales or post about promotions.

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