Customer Forms

Using FLEX, you can tell Lead Commerce to create customer accounts within the system and also include any customer attributes. Customer Attributes are a quick way of adding additional fields that you may want to provide for specific landing pages, sign up pages and more.

FLEX also allows developers to pass the specific Customer Type within the form. This is useful if you want different forms to include different custom attributes based on the page.

Lets say you are running an affiliate marketing campaign and have two different sign up areas on your website. The first sign up area is for customers who find your website on your own and the second sign up area is for customers who were referred to you by a partner.

Lets say that the first sign up page has the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Company
  • Telephone

The second sign up page is for partners and has the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Company
  • Telephone
  • Referred By

In this example, we would have an extra field on the second sign up page which is “Referred By” which could be a drop down menu type of attribute. In order to get the Referred By to only show up on the second sign up page, you would need to pass a Customer Type to Lead Commerce via the FLEX Customer Form which would then know to pull in this additional attribute.

The following fields are required when using the Customer Form in FLEX when interacting with Lead Commerce:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Password
  • Confirm Password

The Customer Form using FLEX will also include the following additional fields:

  • Phone
  • Company

These fields can be made required by selecting the required checkbox. To do this go to Customers > Configuration > Attributes in the back office of Lead Commerce.

Additional fields can be included in the Lead Form using Custom Attributes which can be found by going to Customers > Configuration > Attributes in the Back Office.

Custom Attributes that are created in the back office need to be mapped to the Customer Type that you passing to Lead Commerce from FLEX. If no Customer Type is passed, then Lead Commerce will assume Customer Type 1 is what should be displayed.


{% form 'register_customer' %}
<input type="submit" value="Create Partner Account" />
{% endform %}

If you want to specify a particular customer type for your form, just change “register_customer” to “register_customer_[num]”.


{% form 'register_customer_2' %}
<input type="submit" value="Create Partner Account" />
{% endform %}

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