Lead Form

Using FLEX you can tell Lead Commerce to insert data into the Leads section of the Customers module found in the back office. This is very similar to the Customer Form except this channels the data into the Lead section and does not require a password nor does this create an account for the customer to use to log into the Customer Portal of Lead Commerce.

The following fields are required when using the Lead Form:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address

Additional fields that are NOT required:

  • Company
  • Telephone

Please note that these fields can be made required by selecting the required checkbox. To do this go to Customers > Configuration > Attributes in the back office of Lead Commerce.

Additional fields can be included in the Lead Form using Custom Attributes which can be found by going to Customers > Configuration > Attributes

Custom Attributes that are created in the back office need to be mapped to the Customer Type that you passing to Lead Commerce from FLEX. If no Customer Type is passed, then Lead Commerce will assume Customer Type = 1 is what should be displayed.


{% form 'register_lead %}
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
{% endform %}

If you want to specify a particular customer type form, just change “register_customer” to “register_customer_[num]”.


{% form 'register_lead_2 %}
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
{% endform %}

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