Login Form

The Login Form can be called using the FLEX language to interact with Lead Commerce. The login is what you use in order to allow users to access the Lead Commerce portal.

The Login Form when called using FLEX will provide the following form elements:

  • Email Address
  • Radio Button (I do not have an account)
  • Radio Button (Yes, I have a password)
  • Password Field
  • Login Button


{% form login %}
<input type="submit" value="Login">
{% endform %}

The Login Form will redirect to register.flex which is a system file within Lead Commerce if the Radio Button (I do not have an account) is selected.

Please note that when Login is called using FLEX, Lead Commerce will automatically call register.flex.

If you do not want the Login to direct to the portal by default (when login not through checkout), you can pass a page slug for the login to redirect to.


{% form login (page_slug) %}
<input type="submit" value="Login">
{% endform %}

By specifying a page slug, this will redirect to the corresponding page on a successful login.

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