Posted: 12/21/2014

New Year, New Look

It's been an amazing year of growth for both Lead Commerce as well as our valued clients and partners. We want to thank each and everyone of you for an amazing year and we look forward to serving you in 2015. As part of kicking off the new year we have released our new interface. The new interface we believe keeps with the consistent navigation you have come to know and trust, along with a more compact look utilizing more space.

The Dashboard has been upgraded to include charting for daily sales data including Daily Sales and Order totals.

Again, we remained consistent with a majority of our navigation including all drill down areas like SKUs and more.

Coming in early 2015 we will be enhancing our native search functionality, more filtering capabilities on table levels with the implementation of an advanced search functionality and other improvements to our interface. Look out for those in early 2015.

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