
Request Headers

Lead Commerce API uses several HTTP headers for authorization and content type. Making proper use of these headers can help aid you in your development.

Header Operations Allowed Values Description Required
Accept All application/json (for .json requests)
application/xml (for .xml requests)
MIME type for the format reqested. application/xml
Content-Type All application/json (for .json requests)
application/xml (for .xml requests)
MIME type for the format reqested. Yes
User-Agent All String Not required but we do ask that you send one. Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.3

Response Headers

Header Operations Possible Values Description Example
HTTP Status All HTTP Status Code User Agent HTTP/1.1 given HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date All An RFC 2822 date. The date of the response Sat, 20 Jul 2013 07:37:46 GMT
Content-Type All application/json (for JSON requests)
application/xml (for XML requests)
The MIME type of the response. Changes based on the type of data requested. text/xml
Platform All String API Request Platform Lead Commerce
LC-Limit-Remaining All An integer. Number of requests left for the session. (Each hour) 498
LC-Version All Version Number. The version of Lead Commerce the store is running on. 4.1.25

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