Making Requests


In Lead Commerce, we require a key and an Identifier request to authenticate your api call.

Making Request

To allow for your API to connect to your software, we use Basic Authentication. You must generate an API key from your software to connect. (Directions below).

To connect, you must have the following:

  • Include the Key and the Identifier in the API call with the header "Authorization". This can be achieved by making a basic call with the syntax "Basic Identifier:Key". The identifier and key must be base64-encoded. For example, a basic call might look like this:
    Authorization: Basic TENYWFhYWFhYWFg6aWFtYXByb2dyYW1taW5nbmluamE=
  • Use the url and access to the api via url provided by the admin
  • Identifier and Key provided by the api access.


IMPORTANT: You are allowed to send a request every 100ms. If you send requests too quickly, the system may respond back with a 403 error stating "Max frequency reached."

Enable API Access

To grant a user API access, follow the steps below starting from the main dashboard:

  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Select API from the sidebar.
  • Click the Create API License button.
  • Enter a Name for the API License.
  • Choose which subcomponent APIs to give the user access to by selecting/deselecting the checkboxes underneath Access To. The subcomponents you have selected will automatically be flagged as Active on the Log page.
  • Click the Save Changes button.
  • The Identifier and Key will be automatically generated and can be accessed by selecting License from the navigation bar (see image below).

Disable API Access

Lead Commerce allows you to disable ALL API access for a user or simply limit their access to one or more subcomponent APIs. For example, the user may just need access to the Customers or Companies API.

To disable ALL API access for a user, follow the steps below starting from the main dashboard:

  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Select API from the sidebar.
  • From the API License table, click the License you'd like to disable.
  • Select 'Inactive' from the Status dropdown and click the Save Changes button.

To revoke a user's access to one or more subcomponent APIs, follow the steps below starting from the main dashboard:

  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Select API from the sidebar.
  • From the API License table, click the License you'd like to update.
  • Under the Access To section, deselect the subcomponent APIs that the user should no longer have access to and click the Save Changes button.

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