API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation

                            API V2 Overview

                            The Lead Commerce Rest V2 API provides the ability to manage and create records in your instance by providing calls and filters for working with resources such as customers, categories, orders, vendors and products. It also allows for inventory adjustments and inventory levels.

                            What are the big differences between V2 and V1:

                            • NEW: Attribute Filters
                            • NEW: Enhanced Timestamps Filters
                            • NEW: New API call "List"
                            • NEW: New Filters such as name, and slugs
                            • REMOVED: XML Output
                            • CHANGED: List API call must have Lead Commerce ID Number
                            • CHANGED: List API broken into multiple List APIs

                            Please Note: API calls are case sensitive. If you are having issues, please ensure all API calls are case sensitive and in some cases require capital letters for each word (i.e. PurchaseOrders instead of purchaseorders).

                            This API has been available since Version 4.2.30 and is recommended if starting a new API to use Version 2 over Version 1.

                            To connect with version 2, simply pass v2 into your API url call:

                            http://{youraccount}.goleadcommerce.com/api/v2/{API URI}.json

                            where {youraccount} is your store's unique account and {API URI} is the URI of the API endpoint you are making a request to.

                            When interacting with the API the developer should always use POST requests. To "GET" data from the API you should simply use the LIST, INFO or ID endpoints. To "POST" data to the API you should use the CREATE endpoints. To "PUT" or "PATCH" data to the API the user should use the UPDATE endpoints.

                            Before getting started you should generate an API Identifier and API Key in the backoffice under Settings -> API -> Create API License. This data will need to be included in each request made to the API.

                            Start your free, no-risk trial today.