Cart Loop

A cart loop lets you loop through all the products added to a cart. This is good for a view cart page or a js dropdown for your cart


{% loop cart %}
<div class="item-image">
    <a href="{cart.product_url}">{cart.product_image_compact}</a>
<div class="item-left">
    <p class="product-title"><a href="{cart.product_url}">{cart.product_name} {% if cart.product_variation != "" %}({cart.product_variation}){% endif %}</a></p>
    <p class="price">{cart.product_price}</p>
    <p class="quantity">{cart.product_quantity_html}</p>
{% endloop cart %}

The following output tags are available:

Output Tag Description
{product_name} Product Display Name
{product_price} Product SKU Price (not product price)
{product_description_7} First 7 words of product description
{product_description_10} First 10 words of product description
{product_description_15} First 15 words of product description
{product_description_25} First 25 words of product description
{product_description_50} First 50 words of product description
{product_description_75} First 75 words of product description
{product_description_100} First 100 words of product description
{product_description_200} First 200 words of product description
{product_description} First 200 words of product description
{product_url} Product URL
{product_id} Product ID
{product_sku} SKU
{product_quantity} Product Quantity
{product_quantity_html} HTML input field for changing quantity
{product_delete_url} URL for removing a product
{product_delete} AHREF for removing a product
{product_discount_applied} Returns a 0 if no discount was applied to price. Returns a 1 if item qualified for a discount. (0 = false, 1 = true) This flag does not register site wide customer type discount.
{product_bulk_pricing} Returns a 0 if bulk pricing did not apply. Returns a 1 if item qualified for bulk pricing. (0 = false, 1 = true)
{product_variation} Comma delimited variations
{product_image_[size]} This will call the default image for the product. See the section about image sizes to enter for the word [size]
attribute slug All product attribute slugs that have been flagged to show externally
attribute slug All sku attribute slugs that have been flagged to show externally
Loop Conditionals Click here to learn more about loop conditionals.

This loop requires pagination. Please see the section about pagination on how to implement and what variables are accessible using pagination.

NOTE: Some useful functions outside the loop are {start_checkout_html}, {start_checkout_url}, {cart_total}, {cart_num_items}

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