Category Loop

A category loop lets you loop through children categories of a particular category or subcategory.


{% loop category(cat_mens) %}
          <a href="{cat_products.url}">{}</a>
{% endloop cat_products %}

The above example will loop through all the subcategories based on hierarchy of cat_products. For example, lets say cat_mens had the children of T-Shirts and Pants. This will loop will return 2 return results of T-Shirts and Pants. However, lets say you T-Shirts had 3 subcategories of Long Sleeve, Short Sleeve and V-Neck. These will not be return because the category loop only loops 1 level down. If you want to loop through those, you will need to pass the slug for T-Shirts. By default, the ordering of the result set will be based on hierarchy of sibling records. For example, if T-Shirt is specified before Pants, T-Shirt will show up first.

If you do not want to specify the page, you can use the slug " current". This will specify the current page as the slug.


{% loop category(current) %}
          <a href="{cat_products.url}">{}</a>
{% endloop cat_products %}

If you want to change the order of the output to something else such as alphabetical, you can specify the loop params by specify 2 more parameters.

{% loop category(current,name,asc) %}
          <a href="{cat_products.url}">{}</a>
{% endloop cat_products %}

The following parameters are available

Parameter Required Type Description
1 Yes Filter On This can either be a category slug, subcategory slug or current
2 No Sort On
What the category loop sorts on. This can be hierarchy, name or id. By default, it is hierarchy. This is most common.
3 No Order By
"asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending order. This parameter only works on id or name sort on parameter 2.

Below you will find an example on using a conditional inside the category loop to specify a current page being viewed.

{% loop category(cat_products) %}
          <a href="{cat_products.url}" class="link {% if page_slug == 'page_examples_1' %} current {% endif %}">{}</a>
{% endloop cat_products %}

NOTE: current can only be used on a category or subcategory page.

Here are the following output tags available with this loop.

Output Tag Description
{name} Category Name
{url} URL of the category or subcategory
{page_name} Name of Page
{page_slug} Slug of Page
{page_description_7} First 7 words of page content description
{page_description_10} First 10 words of page content description
{page_description_15} First 15 words of page content description
{page_description_25} First 25 words of page content description
{page_description_50} First 50 words of page content description
{page_description_75} First 75 words of page content description
{page_description_100} First 100 words of page content description
{page_description_200} First 200 words of page content description
{page_description} First 200 words of page content description
{product_url} Product URL
{has_product_image} Boolean (true/false) if product has an image or not
{product_image_[size]} This will call the default image for the product. See the section about image sizes to enter for the word [size]
{product_image_[size]_url} This will call the url for the default image for the product. See the section about image sizes to enter for the word [size]
attribute slug All page attribute slugs that have been flagged to show externally
Loop Conditionals Click here to learn more about loop conditionals.

Please see the template loop for pages for all available variables for a category loop.

This loop does not have access to pagination. This function also has access to the variable in product loop “has_product_image" and the default product image for that category.

NOTE: Additionally, another option that is available if you would like to approach specific orders of products appearing on a category page, this could be accomplished using custom drop down attribute and then writing a custom loop to loop through the attribute values to control the order - otherwise the options are ASC or DSC orders based on the database IDs.

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