Loop Conditionals

A loop conditional is additional data such as the current count or Boolean values such as last or first in a loop.

Below you will find the output tags/boolean conditionals available in some selected loops.

{is_first} Boolean (True/False) value if the current count is on the first iteration.
{is_last} Boolean (True/False) value if the current count is on the last iteration.
{is_even} Boolean (True/False) value if the current count of the loop is an even iteration.
{is_odd} Boolean (True/False) value if the current count of the loop is an odd iteration.
{loop_count} Numeric value of the current number of iterations this loop has looped. This is also known as a current loop count.
{loop_size} Numeric value of the number of iterations this loop will loop. Also known as the size of the loop.

For example, lets say you wanted to build a table while using the grid ordering loop. Using {is_first} and {is_last}, this is possible. See the example below.

{% loop product_grid_order %}
      {% if product_grid_order.is_first %}
      {% endif %}
          <td>{product_grid_order.product_name} ({product_grid_order.product_variation})</td>
          <td class="price">{product_grid_order.product_price}</td>
      {% if product_grid_order.is_last %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endloop product_grid_order %}

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