Grid Ordering

A grid ordering loop lets you loop through all the SKUs (Variations) tied to a particular product or category.

Grid Ordering On a Product Page:

{% loop product_grid_order %}
    <td>{product_grid_order.product_name} ({product_grid_order.product_variation})</td>
    <td class="price">{product_grid_order.product_price}</td>
{% endloop product_grid_order %}

Grid Ordering On a Category Page:

Please see our support article on category grids.

Grid Ordering Loops can be called :

  • {% loop product_grid_order %}

The following output tags are available for a product Grid Ordering Loop (Only available on a product type page):

{product_name} Product Display Name
{product_available_count} Page Slug
{product_price} SKU Price (not product price)
{product_variation} The variations tied to the product. This is a comma delimited string.
HTML input field for changing quantity
{product_sku} SKU
{ajax_id} Hidden Input field For {ajax_product_grid}
{attribute slug} All sku attribute slugs that have been flagged to show externally
Loop Conditionals Click here to learn more about loop conditionals.

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