FLEX Settings

Flex Settings in Lead Commerce allow you to control how FLEX behaves in the code editor and how it acts in your storefront.

Flex Settings consists of the following options:

Maintenance Mode This will take the site down and display your maintenance page that you have created in the Theme Editor.
Editor Theme This allows you to make the Theme Editor have a white or black background.
Editor Word Wrap This will enable word-wrap in the Theme Editor.
Auto Redirect On Cart Update When this flag is set, adding an item to the shopping cart will redirect to the view cart page. By default, the store will leave the user on the product page.
FLEX Notification (FN) Additional Data Additional data that will be passed with an FN Post to an URL.
Website Registration This option allows you to control how your customers purchase from you when proceeding through the storefront checkout process. There our four options that you can choose from:

Customer Registration Only
Choose this option if you want your customers to have to register in order to purchase products from you in the storefront.

Customer Registration with Guest Checkout
Use this option if you want to provide customers with the option to checkout and register or simply checkout without having to register.

Guest Checkout Only
This option will allow all visitors and previous customers to checkout without having to register at all.

No Registration Allowed
This option does not allow customers to register at all and therefore will be used to only allow registered customers the ability to purchase from you. When you turn this option on, the only way to register a customer is through the back office area as an admin.

For more information on FLEX please review our theming guidelines.

The customize text section allows for editing system text on the storefront. If a field is left blank, it will default to the recommended Lead Commerce value.

Products - Add To Cart The add to cart button on the product page
Products - Quantity The word "Quantity" on the product page
Products - Sub Quantity The word "Sub Quantity" on the product page. This only appears on Fractional Inventory Type products.
Cart - Update Cart On the cart page, when changing values.
Cart - Empty Cart On the cart page, when wanting to remove all items from the cart.
Cart - Proceed To Checkout On the cart page, to begin order processing.
Login - Checkout As Guest On the login page on checkout. This is the option for guest checkout.
Login - I Am A New Customer: On the login page on checkout. This is the option for a new account.
Login - I Am A Returning Customer On the login page on checkout. This is the option for an existing account.
Product - Add To Cart Success Message When adding an item to the cart successfully, this is the message the user receives.
Checkout - Check Shipping Address Accuracy On the checkout, there is a section on shipping address. This is the title.
Checkout - Check Shipping Address Accuracy Content On the checkout, there is a section on shipping address. This is the content.
Checkout - Check Billing Address Accuracy On the checkout, there is a section on billing address. This is the title.
Checkout - Check Billing Address Accuracy Content On the checkout, there is a section on billing address. This is the content.
Checkout - Pick Your Shipping Speed On the checkout, the title of the shipping page.
Checkout - Payment And Review On the checkout, the link to the review page.
Checkout - Pick Your Payment Method On the checkout, the text above the payment method..
Checkout - Place Order On the checkout, to place the order.

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