Page Templates

Page Templates are a way of organizing pages into sets. They are also helpful when creating pages on your storefront that will be created often. A good application of page template would be a blog post page. In this sense, if you have a blog on your storefront, you will continue to put up new posts over time. Each blog post will have the same page layout and look and feel. This is exactly what page templates are designed for.

Page Templates consist of the following sections:


Template TypeTemplate Type is used for many different areas of your storefront. There are four template types that you can create. Category which would be for your main Category pages located in the Catalog module. Subcategories which work very similar to Category templates and are also located in the Categories subcomponent of the Catalog module. Product template types are used for product pages and are assigned at the Product Type area in the Catalog module. Finally Content template types which are used for any other supporting pages of your storefront and are associated to Pages located in the Content module. *(1)
StatusThis is the current status of the Page Template. Status can be Active, Inactive or Archived.
NameThis is the name of the Page Template.
FileThis is the .FLEX file that the Page Template is mapped to. The available .FLEX files feed from the Theme Editor subcomponent. This drop down changes values depending on the Page Template Type you select. Additionally, you cannot map more than one .FLEX file to a Page Template. Therefore, once you have mapped a .FLEX file it will become unavailable to any future Page Templates you create.
Use ExtensionThis option is used to indicate if you want to put an extension on the end of pages of your storefront when they are created. The extension itself is derived from the SEO Settings subcomponent located in the Systems Module. You would use this option if say you wanted each page to end in .html. In this sense when you create a page with this Page Template, each page in the SEO section would end in .html.
Default DirectoryThis option shows up when you select the Content Page Template Type. This is useful if you want to organize certain Pages that get created over time into a directory within the URL. For example, if you wanted your blogs to be within the “blog” directory like this;, you would creat a Page Template for blog posts, then the Default Directory would be “/blog/”.
Use SSLThis option will force the page to use Secure Socket Layers and will display that it is a secure page in a browser. Please note that this feature is only available for Professional and up subscriptions.
Show as FilterThis option allows you to create a side navigation filter in the back office so you can quickly navigate to all pages using this Page Template. To view this Page Template as a filter, navigate to the Pages subcomponent and click the small triangle to the left of the Pages link in the side navigation area.
SlugThis is an alpha-numeric id generated by the system which can be used in a .FLEX file and other implementation types. Please see the Lead Commerce FLEX theming documentation for more details.

*(1) PLEASE NOTE: Subcategories are limited to 50 child categories per parent category (see 4.2.71 Release Notes).


Attributes can be assigned to Page Templates to allow for easier creation of pages and also to eliminate the need for end users having to adjust .FLEX files to make content HTML changes (i.e. a Heading of a page or some text area on a page).

Attributes assigned to the Page Template will appear in the Details section of a Page when that Page Template is selected from the drop down.

IDThis is the ID if the Content Attribute.
NameThis is the name of the Content Attribute.
TypeThis is the type of attribute that it is.

Related Pages:

This section of Page Templates displays all current pages that you have created that use this Page Template.

File Upload Section:

File UploadThis section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files ButtonThis button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level ColorboxIf you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File NameThe name of the file
File URLThe full path URL of the file.

History Section:

UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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