
The Pages subcomponent of the Content module allows users to create new pages on their storefront as well as update or make changes to existing pages.

Pages consist of the following sections:


Page TemplateThe Page Templates dropdown lists out any page templates that you have created within the Content Configuration component. A Page must be assigned to either a Page Template or a Non-template Page. Non-template Page is where you directly associate the .FLEX file to a Page.
StatusThis is the current status of the Page. Status can be Active, Inactive and Archived.
Page NameThis is the internal name of the page. This name DOES NOT display n your storefront.
Display NameThe display name is the page name that will appear in your storefront.
SlugThis is a non-required field that will create a unique name for this page to be used within your storefront’s theme. For more information on SLUGS, please see the FLEX Theming guide.
Show In PortalThis option will control whether or not this page shows up in the Resources section of the Customer Portal.


Page ContentThis large text area allows you to enter in content that will appear on the page itself in your storefront. This area allows you to enter in videos, text, images and links to other pages.


Title TagThis is the heading that appears in your browser window. This information is important for search engine result pages (SERPs) and helps search engines understand what the page is about.
Meta KeywordsThis is the meta keywords that appear in your page’s underlying html code. These keywords are not visible on the page but can be viewed and seen by search engines.
Meta DescriptionThis is the description of the page that is visible by search engines. This description will also appear at the bottom of the links to your site.
URLThis is the page’s web address where you can reach the page from your storefront.
301 RedirectThe 301 Redirect field allows you enter in an older URL that will redirect to the new URL you have created in the URL field. This is helpful for SEO reasons so that any older links which have changed will automatically redirected to the new.

File Upload Section:

File UploadThis section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files ButtonThis button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level ColorboxIf you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File NameThe name of the file
File URLThe full path URL of the file.

History Section:

UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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