
The Leads feature of Lead Commerce allows you to capture and track any leads that come in from your storefront.

Leads are contacts that you have not sold yet. For some businesses, they might have a need to capture leads from a web form. The Leads feature of Lead Commerce allow you to do just that.

When creating web forms using the FLEX theming language, you can specify that form to add the contact information to the Leads subcomponent. For more information on creating custom web forms please see the FLEX theming documentation.

Leads consist of the following sections:


Customer TypeThis is the Customer Type that this Lead is associated to.
StatusThis is the current status of the Lead.
First NameThis is the first name of the Lead.
Last NameThis is the last name of the Lead.
Email AddressThis is the email address of the Lead.
PhoneThis is the phone number of the Lead.
FaxThis is the fax number of the Lead.
CompanyThis is the Company this lead is associated to.


NameFull name of the shipping or billing contact.
StatusThe current status of this address.
RegionThe region selected for this address. The region that is selected will determine the state that is available in the state drop down menu.
PhoneThe phone for this particular shipping or billing address.
Address 1The primary address for either the shipping or billing of this address.
Address 2The secondary address for either the shipping or billing for this address.
CityThe city for this address.
StateThe state for this address.
Zip CodeThe zip code for this address.
Business NameThis is the name of the business if this is entered in when creating an order in the back office.
Default Shipping AddressThis option allows you to specify a default shipping address for this customer.
Default Billing AddressThis option allows you to specify a default billing address for this customer.


This is a view of all opportunities that have been assigned to this customer account.


This is a view of all segments that this customer belongs to.

File Upload Section:

File UploadThis section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files ButtonThis button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level ColorboxIf you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File NameThe name of the file
File URLThe full path URL of the file.

History Section:

UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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