Support Tickets

The Support Tickets feature of Lead Commerce allows you to keep track of your customers support issues by associating support tickets to a specific customer.

Support Tickets can only be associated to Customers (they CANNOT be associated to Leads).

Support Tickets can be created from the Back Office. Support Tickets can also be created by your Customers inside the customer portal area.

Support Tickets consist of the following sections:


SubjectThis is the subject of the Support Ticket. This can be a brief subject that helps you remember what this Support Ticket is about.
StageThis is the current status of the Support Ticket. The Status helps you track the progress of this support issue. The Status' are Open, Pending and Solved. Each one of these Stages is available as a Filter in the side navigation area of the Support Tickets subcomponent.
First NameThis is the first name of the Customer. Please Note: This field is read only. In order to fill this form out, you will need to use the Customer Search or use the New Customer button.
Last NameThis is the last name of the Customer. Please Note: This field is read only. In order to fill this form out, you will need to use the Customer Search or use the New Customer button.
Email AddressThis is the email address of the Customer. Please Note: This field is read only. In order to fill this form out, you will need to use the Customer Search or use the New Customer button.
PhoneThis is the phone number of the Customer. Please Note: This field is read only. In order to fill this form out, you will need to use the Customer Search or use the New Customer button.
FaxThis is the fax number of the Customer. Please Note: This field is read only. In order to fill this form out, you will need to use the Customer Search or use the New Customer button.
CompanyThis is the company the Customer is associated to. Please Note: This field is read only. In order to fill this form out, you will need to use the Customer Search or use the New Customer button.
Order IDThe Order ID that is associated with this support ticket. Note that this field only appears when an Order is associated with the ticket.

Add Comment:

Add Comment ButtonThis is the green button that lets you add a new Comment to the Support Ticket.
Do Not SendThis option allows you to leave internal support notes on this Support Ticket without notifying the customer.
Add Comment Dialogue BoxThis is the dialogue window opens up and allows you to enter in a comment on the Opportunity.

Comment Table:

NameThis is the name of the back office user that made the comment.
CommentThis is the comment that was left by the back office user recapping the conversation they had regarding this opportunity.
Created OnThis is the time and date that this comment as left.

File Upload Section:

File UploadThis section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files ButtonThis button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level ColorboxIf you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File NameThe name of the file
File URLThe full path URL of the file.

History Section:

UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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