

Lead Commerce has a very efficient and optimized invoicing feature built in to the sales portion of our platform, aimed at making billing for shipped orders as easy as possible. This section will discuss how to use the invoicing features within Lead Commerce.

Manual Invoice FeatureCreating invoices from placed Sales Orders through the Invoice tab on specific orders. Invoicing allows for you to bill for what has been shipped. Sales orders may have multiple fulfillments and shipments, may have multiple invoices.
Auto Invoice FeatureNew Lead Commerce feature that allows for the automatic generation of invoices upon a completed fulfillment

Manual Invoicing Feature:

Invoicing allows you to bill for what has been shipped. A Sales Order reflects all items and changes made to an order. However, with an Invoice you have the ability to Invoice the customer for what has been shipped. Just as one Sales Order may have multiple fulfillments or shipments; one Sales Order may have multiple invoices.

Once you have a Sales Order that has at least one item that has shipped, you can create an Invoice.

In the Sales Order, go to the Invoices section and click on the green New Invoice button

Note: An invoice can only be generated for items that have been shipped/fulfilled.

Invoice IDInvoice identifier; Notice: the Sales Order number with a -1, -2, and so on appended to the end
Line ItemsNumber of line items on the invoice
"Created On"Date invoice was created
Days Past DueNumber of days since the invoice was created
Invoice AmountTotal amount due after items shipped
Amount DueInvoice amount less the Amount Paid
Amount PaidAmount paid on invoice
StatusStatus for the invoice. A status of Balance Due indicates the items have not been paid.

Editing Invoice

On the Edit Invoice window, you will notice several options:

DownloadWill create the HTML invoice template that you can print to send to your customer.
CancelAllows you to cancel the invoice and create a new one
NotesAllows you to add notes to each invoice as long as the notes are plumed into the HTML template

Download Button - Clicking on the Download button will create the HTML invoice template that you can print to send to your customer. When printing you will notice there are headers and footers, if these are not desired, un-check the headers and footers print option on the print window.

Cancel Button - The Cancel button will allow you to cancel the invoice and create a new one. For example, if you have multiple items in one invoice, then realize you needed multiple invoices or vice versa.

Notes Button - The Notes section will allow you to add notes to each invoice. NOTE: This option is available as long as the notes are plumed into the HTML template (more information on invoice templates can be found here ).

Invoice Template

The invoice template, similar to the order template, can be customized. This template can be found in Settings > Templates > Order Emails > Default Template. Then, click on the Invoice Summary section.

Auto Invoicing Overview:

First, it is important to note that the auto-invoice feature of LC is configured on the Customer level, and must be mapped on the Customer Type as well as when the customer is set up in the system.

Instructions on how to set up the Auto Invoicing feature on the Customer level can be found here.

There are three statuses associated with the auto-invoicing feature. They are as follows:

Disabled Auto invoicing feature is disabled
Create InvoiceAn invoice is created within the LC system when a shipment is made/fulfilled
Create and Email InvoiceAn invoice is created and e-mailed to the customer within the LC system when a shipment is made/fulfilled

NOTE: Invoices will only be issued to customers once an order has been shipped and fulfilled.

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