Sales Channels

Sales Channels are a powerful way to organize your orders into different channels or verticals. This can be especially useful if you have a multi-channel business where you are selling your products in many different shopping engines or even if you sell your products on other sites you own (i.e. microsites).

The Sales Channel feature allows for the management of multiple websites all from one single back office.

The Sales Channels section consist of the following options:


NameThis is the name that you give for your sales channel. In most cases it should be a logical name that represents where the order is manifesting from.
StatusThis is the status of the sales channel. Status can be Active, Inactive or Archived.
DefaultThis is an option to set this particular sales channel as the default when creating an order in the back office. Please Note: Sales Channel ID One (1) is always set to take orders from the storefront checkout and therefore cannot be deactivated.
Terms and ConditionsThese are any Terms and Conditions you might have created in the Settings area of the Back Office.
Show as FilterThis option will add this sales channel to the side navigation area of the Orders subcomponent. Select the small triangle in order to open up and view these as filters.


Auto Send Order EmailsThis option will automatically send your customers an order confirmation when they purchase from this particular sales channel.
Override Fulfillment WarehouseThis option will mandate that all products on orders within this sales channel be fulfilled in this location. If a particular product is not mapped to this warehouse location, then Lead Commerce will default back to the default warehouse location for that particular SKU.
Smart ShipThe Smart Ship checkbox provides admins with the control to either turn Smart Ship on or off depending on the Sales Channel. Smart Ship is a feature that provides back office users with even more order management automation. If this option is turned on, Lead Commerce will automatically recalculate shipping costs as a user adds or removes line items, makes adjustments to the fulfillment warehouse, enters a new ship to address and more. It is a very powerful feature that eliminates having to recalibrate all of your non-shipped line items.
Order TemplateThis is the Autoresponder Template this sales channel will use when orders are placed within this sales channel.
Default Small Package ProviderThis option will allow you to set the Shipping Provider you would like the Auto Create Fulfillment to use when creating the Fulfillment for shipments that are LESS THAN 1 POUND. The option will automatically select the most economical shipping class for that shipping provider.
Default Large Package Provider
This option will allow you to set the Shipping Provider you would like the Auto Create Fulfillment to use when creating the Fulfillment for shipments that are MORE THAN 1 POUND. The option will automatically select the most economical shipping class for that shipping provider.

Shipping Providers:

ProviderThis is the main shipping provider to use for this sales channel. Please Note: This option will be superseded if any Shipping Providers have been selected at the Customer Type.
ClassThese are the individual classes that are available for this sales channel.

Payment Methods:

Payment TypeThis is the Payment Methods that are associated and selected for this particular sales channel. Please Note: This option will be superseded if any Payment Methods have been selected at the Customer Type.
NameThis is the name of the Payment Method.

Business Information:

Business NameThis is the business name for the sales channel which will show up on the Autoresponder template and summary of an order.
Send From EmailThis is the email the system will use to send your customers Order Confirmations and Shipping Confirmations.
Address 1This is the primary business address for this sales channel.
Address 2This is the secondary shipping address for this sales channel.
RegionThis is the region of this sales channel.
CityThis is the city of this sales channel.
StateThis is the state for this sales channel.
Zip CodeThis is the zip code for this sales channel.
PhoneThis is the main business phone for this sales channel.
FaxThis is the business fax number for this sales channel.
WebsiteThis is the website address for this sales channel.
Admin Order EmailThis is the list of emails who will receive order confirmations when orders are placed within this sales channel.


Attribute NameThis is the name of the sales attribute you want to use for this sales channel indicated by the checkbox.
Attribute TypeThis is the type of sales attribute that it is (i.e. dropdown, checkbox, small text area, large text area and date).

Sales History:

Order IDThis is the order id of any orders that have been placed within this sales channel.
Customer NameThis is the customer first and last name on this order.
AmountThis is the grand total of the order.
Order StatusThis is the current order status for this order.

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